Monday, December 3, 2007

Bikini Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal for Women
Bikini Hair Removal
Premiere Laser Centre is the best in Texas when it comes to bikini procedures. It is one of our specialties. Our two most popular styles are:

French Bikini
A very low cut bikini line that includes the hair from the belly button down to the pubic area (linea negra). The hair is also removed from the panty line down three finger widths on the inside of the thigh. We also treat the lower edge of the buttocks (the area that may show under a swimsuit). The resulting shape is a dainty "V" shape that will allow you to comfortably wear almost any little bikini bottom.

Premiere Girl Bikini
It's the whole thing. We remove all the hair
from the belly button to the baby bottom including the genitalia. Most girls choose to leave the "landing strip" or a petite "V" at the front. The resulting shape is sexy and smooth. Women love the clean feeling they have after having the hair removed from their most private areas. And, we get a lot of "thank yous" from the men in their lives.


James King said...

It's nice to remove a pubic hair to look good. Just what I saw in your sample pictures.before and after. Look great after removing a pubic hair. I will try that one so look hotter. LOL..I will do a hair removal for men.

Unknown said...

As I see the result after Waxing you will appreciate how nice it is.

Unknown said...

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